If your work's too safe, then do something dangerous

- I know we don't like each other 
 And you think of me 
 As a boring, sheltered nobody.

- I don't think of you.

- Right. Of course you don't.
 But I've been thinking of me.
 And I have come to the conclusion 
 That I need to get out of my comfort zone.
 I need to experience new things.

- Are you gay?

- Now that would be out of my comfort zone 
 But no.
 I just need to get out of Brooklyn.
 For one night.
 I'd like to experience the world of Chuck Bass.

Postat av: kk

B ä s t a meningutbytet mellan Lonelyboy och Chuck, ever. "Are you gay?"

2010-11-13 @ 16:53:45
URL: http://indicate.blogg.se/

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