

- Who are you then?
- Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. 
 The monkey in the wrench. 
 The pain in the ass.

Swedish attitude

Jag och Fruzsi väntar
På att Anna ska komma.
Vi ska dricka öl.
Men jag ska dra snart
Fruzsi vill också hem.
Vi smsar till Anna
Skriver att hon inte behöver komma.
It's not ok. But go home and sleep
Like my mother does. 
F: That's not fair! Fucking German attitude!
 They have to drink to be happy..
 What am I supposed to answere..?
S: Just say she's a bitch..
F: Yes! ..Why..?
S: Cus she is..!
F: That's fucking Swedish attitude!
 I'm from Hungary!! We're nice. 


Can I bum a cigarette?
Can I bum you?

If your work's too safe, then do something dangerous

- I know we don't like each other 
 And you think of me 
 As a boring, sheltered nobody.

- I don't think of you.

- Right. Of course you don't.
 But I've been thinking of me.
 And I have come to the conclusion 
 That I need to get out of my comfort zone.
 I need to experience new things.

- Are you gay?

- Now that would be out of my comfort zone 
 But no.
 I just need to get out of Brooklyn.
 For one night.
 I'd like to experience the world of Chuck Bass.


Jag och Lilimai går mot bussen.
Ett rockband repar långt borta. 
-Sadra! What's that sound!
-Just a band playing music.
-Maybe it's the X-factor! 

S vs. Z

- Amazing.
This whole time
I thought you were 
A nice guy.
- Wake up!
I'm a water polo player.
We're never nice guys.


Lilimai klättrar runt.
Snurrar runt på sin stol.
Jack tröttnar.

-Lilimai! Stop messing around!
You'll fall if you're not careful!
You'll get hurt
And mum will get cross.
What if you broke your arm or something?
Or if you......
I don't really care...!

Glad I'm a girl

-Sandra! You're so silly!
 Jack can't go on the trampoline!
 He is a BOY!



-We have to be nice to Sandra today.
-Yes, if we are maybe she'll stay. 
-Sandra... I don't want you to go. 
Jag känner att det jag har gjort
Är lite uppskattat i alla fall! 
-Will you come visit soon?


Barnen vet inte att jag ska åka än.
Bättre att de får reda på allt
När det är klart.
Men de fattar med än vad vi tror. 
-Mommy.. Is Sandra giong back to Sweden..? 


And who am I?
That's a secret I'll never tell.
You know you love me.


Det är läggdags.
Philip kommer in på mitt rum.

-Hi you. How are you? 
  Going to bed?
-I just wanted a huggie!


There's a diffrence between a failure and a fiasco.
A failure is merely the absence of success.
Any fool can achieve failure.
But a fiasco, a fiasco is a disaster of epic propotions.
A fiasco is a folk tale told to other's to make other people
Feel more alive because it didn't happen to them. 
So you failed. Alright you really failed.
You failed. You failed. You failed.
You failed. You failed. You failed.
You failed. You failed. You failed.
You failed. You failed. You failed.
You think I care about that?
I do understand.
You wanna be really great?
Then have the courage to fail big and stick around.
Make them wonder why you're still smiling. 

Vafasiken ärehär?

Message in a bottle

-And you'll just forget about me, right?
-Every day.

Million dollar baby

-Seems there are Irish people everywhere 
  Or people who want to be.


-Which one is your favourite?
-I don't know, it doesn't matter.
-You have to pick one.
-That one, then.
-Then I'll take that one!
-If it's your favourite, it's my favourite too! 


Man ska inte alltid fråga

-Could you silce my apple, please?
-Sure. How many slices? Two or four?

Breakfast at Tiffany's

-I'll tell you one thing, Fred, darling.
 I'd marry you for your money in a minute.
 Would you marry me for my money?
-In a minute.
-I guess it's pretty lucky neither of us is rich, huh?

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